Starmind is thrilled to be presenting at the flagship Microsoft Germany event: Microsoft Business Summit 2019 in Frankfurt on Oct 22nd and 23rd. This summit brings together Microsoft's largest enterprise customers. The opening keynote speaker will be Sabine Benediek, Managing Director of Microsoft Germany. Additional speakers include Michel van der Bel, President of Microsoft EMEA and Frank Riemensberger, Chairman of Accenture Germany as well as a host of senior leaders from companies like SAP, Deutsche Bank, Siemens, Citrix, and Lufthansa.
This year's discussion revolves around Shared Intelligence. Artificial intelligence is the focus of the Summit with special attention given to developing and applying innovative solutions. The guiding question is how organizations can build relationships between humans and computers in such a way that humans are always at the center, as reflected in the motto of MBS19: People first.
This serves as an ideal event theme in which to continue introducing Starmind's offering to Microsoft's enterprise customers and more broadly share our vision of making collective human intelligence accessible to everybody. Thus it is with great pleasure that our CEO Oliver Muhr will be co-presenting Starmind together with Microsoft in a session titled How to leverage the entire human intelligence in your organization: This is how you bust location and team silos. We're proud to present our vision together with Microsoft and are looking forward to the stimulating discussions around a human-centric approach to AI.